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6332e9b5a74c815a4931eb55 Hosta 'Hacksaw in 5 Inch Nursery Pot


  • Hibiscus is a perennial plant with beautiful flowers. It is also known as China rose.
  • It is extremely easy to grow and care for. The only thing that you need to protect this plant from is mealy bugs.
  • These flowering plants can be easily multiplied by branch cuttings during monsoons.
  • The color of the flower may vary from the one in the picture.
  • The flower offers a variety of health benefits and is a good source of antioxidants.

Care Instructions

  • Water: This plant requires plenty of water in its blooming stage, i.e, warm weather. During winters, water lightly and only when the topsoil is dry.
  • Soil: Hibiscus needs well-drained soil and does well if it is slightly root-bound when potting.
  • Sunlight: Provide at least 6 hours of sunlight to this plant; however, make sure it gets some shade during overly hot days.
  • It is advisable to spray neem oil regularly to prevent mealybugs from attacking the plant.
  • Regular pruning, feeding, and good sunlight are a must for healthy flowering.
  • Feed vermicompost once in 30 days.
out of stock INR 349
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Hosta 'Hacksaw in 5 Inch Nursery Pot


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Sold By: ABI

Description of product


  • Hibiscus is a perennial plant with beautiful flowers. It is also known as China rose.
  • It is extremely easy to grow and care for. The only thing that you need to protect this plant from is mealy bugs.
  • These flowering plants can be easily multiplied by branch cuttings during monsoons.
  • The color of the flower may vary from the one in the picture.
  • The flower offers a variety of health benefits and is a good source of antioxidants.

Care Instructions

  • Water: This plant requires plenty of water in its blooming stage, i.e, warm weather. During winters, water lightly and only when the topsoil is dry.
  • Soil: Hibiscus needs well-drained soil and does well if it is slightly root-bound when potting.
  • Sunlight: Provide at least 6 hours of sunlight to this plant; however, make sure it gets some shade during overly hot days.
  • It is advisable to spray neem oil regularly to prevent mealybugs from attacking the plant.
  • Regular pruning, feeding, and good sunlight are a must for healthy flowering.
  • Feed vermicompost once in 30 days.

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